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SNOOKER - Fixtures & Results

Premier Division - By Team

Frames 1st
Frames 2nd
Cubbington 1st
Home Guard 1st
Home Guard 2nd
Harbury 1st
Harbury 2nd
Kenilworth Abbey 1st
Warwick Cons 1st
Warwick Cons 2nd

Choose a team from the drop down list below.

Click the Info Icon for frame score details.

Results For Harbury 2nd
WeekHome Team ScoreAway Team 
1 Harbury 1st3 - 4Harbury 2nd Info
2 Harbury 2nd3 - 4Home Guard 1st Info
3 Warwick Cons 1st THarbury 2nd
4 Harbury 2nd TFrames 1st
5 BYE-Harbury 2nd
6 Harbury 2nd-BYE
7 Harbury 2nd TFrames 2nd
8 Home Guard 2nd W/THarbury 2nd
9 Harbury 2nd TWarwick Cons 2nd
10 Kenilworth Abbey 1st THarbury 2nd
11 Harbury 2nd TCubbington 1st
12 Harbury 2nd THarbury 1st
13 Home Guard 1st W/THarbury 2nd
14 Harbury 2nd TWarwick Cons 1st
15 Frames 1st WHarbury 2nd
16 Harbury 2nd-BYE
17 BYE-Harbury 2nd
18 Frames 2nd WHarbury 2nd
19 Harbury 2nd THome Guard 2nd
20 Warwick Cons 2nd THarbury 2nd
21 Harbury 2nd TKenilworth Abbey 1st
22 Cubbington 1st W/THarbury 2nd


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Snooker Fixtures
& Results

Premier Premier (team) A Division A Division (team) Submit Score